Starts spending noticeably more time away from home. Spends more time with friends or a particular friend that she may have confided in. Expect to see an increased number of girl's nights out and/or abrupt changes in tone and mannerism when you walk in to say hello.
Starts using condoms or you notice that she is taking some form of birth-control that the two of you are not using.
Spends hours on the computer when you are not home or late at night when you are sleeping. Registers free email accounts and hides them from you or starts frequenting sites such as Facebook or MySpace which she never did before.
Her reading material has changed. Suddenly she is reading books and/or articles about seducing or getting men to fall in love, relationships or even infidelity.
She is not interested in having sex with you and the number of intimate encounters between the two of you has dropped dramatically. In the beginning intercourse may become more frequent and she may start treating you like a king (usually out of guilt) but as the affair wears on she will start to resent you, pick fights and frequent/hot sex will become the thing of the past.
You notice that her general attitude and mannerism have changed. Where as in before she used to complain about things around the house you have not done she is now silent, and you can't help but notice the spring in her step or the glow in her cheeks that you are not responsible for.
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